The roofing crew arrived just after 7:30am January 8th, 4 men and their supervisor, although with the speed and efficiency in how the roof removal and installation was accomplished, i could have sworn the work crew was bigger. One individiual used a tamping hammer to re-level my lawn where the materials and devilivery truch had cut some shallow ruts in the soft ground, from then on he constantly circled the house picking up and removing scrap materials as it came off the roof. By lunch, the crew completely stripped the roof to the plywood sheathing, removed the turbine vents, cut the existing sheathing for the new ridge vent system, and completely installed both the weatherlock adhesive membrane and the pro armor underlayment. Following lunch it was "all hands on deck" installing the duration shingles, pipe collars, he ridge vent system, and sealing the pipe collars. After the roof installation was completed, the entire crew was involved in picking up every bit of scrap material. Before departing, one of the crew used a leaf blower to remove all the light dust and fine debris from the porch, walkways and the driveway, leaving the area around the house cleaner than it was when they first arrived. I was very impressed with the roofing workmanship and attention to work site safety and conditions throughout their time here. The ACM trim and soffit, leaf guard gutters, and the closure of the gable vents installation began the morning of january to 12th. By the end of the first day, all the new soffit vents had been cut and all ACM wrap and trim work on the rear of the house had been completed, including installation of the Premium Pointe ventilated soffit materials. Trim work on the ends of the house had also started. By the end of the second day, all trim and soffit work had been done on the front of the house, including around the garage. In closing off the gable vents, James, the crew supervisor, installed the most beautiful sunburst details on the covers; the likes of which i have never seen before. All work was completed on the third day with the fabrications and installation of the leaf guard gutters and associated downspouts. Since i have an underground "rain-drain" system to keep water away from the foundation, the crew matched and installed the new downspouts into my system. Neither my wofe nor i heard a single use of foul or obscene language by either the roofing or trim crews during work accomplishment. To me that speaks volumes about the professionalism of Premier's employees, how they present themselves individually and how they represent their employer as a team. I have already suggested to neighbors, friends, and family that when considering a roof replacement, to contact Premeir Roofing and Siding for an estimate and contract. My next door neighbor came over to "review" the workmanship; he told me that it was the best trim job he had seen in the area and was very impressed with the artistic sunburst details created by James.
Richard and Emily P. of Chesapeake, VA
Friday, January 12th